Senin, 13 Maret 2017

SOFTSKILL Bahasa Inggris 2

Sentence Structure

Is the way a sentence is arranged, grammatically. The sentence structure of your writing includes where the noun and verb fall within an individual sentence. Sentence structure depends on the language in which you're writing or speaking.

1.       Subject
The subject of a sentence is the person or thing doing the action or being described.
 Queen going to watch super junior concert tonight
Zahra listening music Korean pop

2.      Verb
Is a word that expresses an action or a state of being.
We learned English this morning
They sang together last month

3.     Complement
Is a word or group of words that complement the meaning of the subject, verb, or object. Thus, there are three kinds of complement, namely: subject, verb, and object complement.
My hobbies are singing and dancing
                                     C                     C
He gave me a crown

4.    Modifier
Is a word, phrase, or clause which functions as an adjective or an adverb to describe a word or make its meaning more specific. Modifiers can play the roles of adjectives or adverbs.
He found a chocolate put on my bag
She plays violin so beautifully

Exercise Page 44
1.       George is cooking dinner tonight.
     S             V           C        MT

2.      Henry and Marcia have visited the President.
             S                       V                  P

3.     We can eat lunch in this restaurant today.
  S       V         C              MP              MT

4.    Pat should have bought gasoline yesterday.
S                   V                     C           MT

5.     Trees grow.
    S       V

6.     It was raining at seven o’clock this morning.
S         V                   MT                  MT

7.     She opened a checking account at the bank last week.
S          V                     C                             MP

8.     Harry is washing dishes right now.
    S           V            C          MT

9.     She opened her book.
  S        V            C

10.  Paul, William, and Marry were watching television a few minutes ago.
                    S                             V                 C                  MT

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